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Display grafico LCD LM709SW (70 x 275)mm


La quantità minima per "Display grafico LCD LM709SW (70 x 275)mm" è 1.


misure : 70 x 275 mm

Pin 1 + 5 Volts
Pin 2 GND
Pin 3 Instruction (0) or Data (1)
Pin 4 /WR (Pulse for each operation)
Pin 5 Data Bit 7
Pin 6 Data Bit 6
Pin 7 Data Bit 5
Pin 8 Data Bit 4
Pin 9 Data Bit 3
Pin 10 Data Bit 2
Pin 11 Data Bit 1
Pin 12 Data Bit 0
Pin 13 Area Selection Bit 0
Pin 14 /CS
Pin 15 Area Selection Bit 1
Pin 16 Area Selection Bit 2
Pin 17 Not used
Pin 18 - 5 Volts
Pin 19 GND
Pin 20 + 5 Volts
The voltage between pin 18 and GND (-5 to 0 volts) determines the contrast of the display.
The area selection determines the area (0 to 7) on which the data is written.
Pin 3 indicates whether the data lines (pins 5 to 12) contain an instruction (0) or represent the eight pixels of the current writing position (1).
Pin 14 has to be held on 0 volts in order to access the display.
After writing data, the current column is automatically incremented.


62 Hide area
63 Show area
64 to 128 Current column
184 to 191 Current row
192 to 255 Current scroll position of area (192 in most cases)

Typical sequence of actions:

Selection of area (pins 13, 15, 16 = area; pin 14 = 0)
Pin 3 = 0 (instruction)
Set data line to desired scroll position (192-255)
Set data line to desired row (183-191)
Set data line to desired column (64-128)
Pin 3 = 0 (data)
Set data line to desired pixel pattern

Allo stesso prezzo

TECDIS C425001 graphic display lcd